Macaroni/pasta production line

Date: 2024-04-04 Categories: Human food produciton lines Views: 131



      (1) Do you have a wheat Flour or Semolina factory?

As the raw material of Pasta you only need 2 thinks ,

1. Flour or Semolina and the 2. Drinkable Water.

(a) If yes;  Please go on the next step.

(b) If  no;   You need to decide that;

- Buy flour or semolina from an other manufacturer. This way is possible to use in small capacity production less then HMX 600 (600 kg/hour) lines.

- Establish a flour factory with the capacity of 145% of your planned Pasta production capacity.


      (2) Decide your pasta type? Long?, Short? or Both of them?

In industrial pasta production systems, the drying systems are continuous dryers so for short cut you need 1 line and for long cut you need an other line.

(a) Short Cut Pasta Production Line ( Macaroni Line )

(b) Long Cut Pasta Production Line ( Spaghetti Line )

(c) 2 Lines to produce both of them.

* Advice; For small budget investments ( Less than 1 million Usd ) starting with only short-cut line is better.


      (3) Decide your production capacity of pasta production;

In industrial Pasta Production Lines, the production system is continuous system. And in continuous pasta production lines you need to work as 24 hours as possible as it can be ( normally it is possible to work shorter periods but the correct way is working continously. In this lines capacities are spoken as Kg per 1 hour. As Hemaks Pasta production lines we have the below written pasta production capacity lines in our standart production.

(a) As Short Cut Pasta Line; 200 Kg/h, 300 Kg/h, 400 Kg/h, 600 Kg/h, 800 Kg/h, 1000 Kg/h, 1500 Kg/h, 2250 Kg/h, 3000 Kg/h, 4500 Kg/h, 6000 kg/hour capacities.

(b) As Long Cut Pasta Line ; 300 Kg/h, 500 Kg/h, 1000 Kg/h, 2000 Kg/h, 3000 Kg/hour capacities.


Model DP100 single screw extruder line

Capacity 100-120kg/h

Main extruder power 30kw

Size 5*15*3meters

Product samples

